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Silver Cord Program

The Silver Cord Program is an opportunity for students to be recognized for completing 200 hours of community service during their four years of high school. It is the intent of the Silver Cord program that hours be in direct service to others in need through local community service agencies and other outreach programs. Silver Cord hours must meet a clearly defined need for an agency, charity program, church, political agency, social service group or community event. In order for hours to be honored, the student may not receive payment or credit for their services.  Service NOT recognized: music or athletic practices or manager duties, babysitting for one’s family or any other family, participation in clinics or service which is part of an academic or court ordered or disciplinary requirement. 

Seniors who complete the required hours of service by April 15 of their senior year will be honored at the Senior Honors Program and will wear a silver cord at graduation.

Silver Cord Service cards are available in the Main Office. We will accept no more than 8 hours per day of an activity and all hours MUST be submitted prior to the end of the school year in which they were completed. Not all hours can be from the same activity as it is expected that students will volunteer for a variety of activities. Service hours completed over the summer will be accepted.  Students should contact a City High Administrator or the Silver Cord Advisor with questions regarding acceptable service activities. Completed Silver Cord cards should be turned in to the Silver Cord Advisor located in the Main Office.


Contact Ann Hanrahan at