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Students have a lot of things they have to balance in a day, with school being one of them. Attendance is the key to success for all students at school, ensuring that they are trying their best to be in all classes on time every day. In order for the staff at City High School to do the best possible job of educating our students, students must be in regular attendance. The success of the educational program at City High School requires teamwork between the parents, the student, and all school staff. Our goal is to have all students present every day so that they can receive the best education possible.

By Iowa law, a child who is under sixteen years old by September 15 must attend school. Parents, legal guardians or custodians of a child are responsible for the child to attend school during the school year.

It is the district's hope that parents/guardians will support and encourage good attendance. We encourage parents/guardians to help by scheduling appointments, vacations, outings, etc. outside the school day whenever possible and to consider the impact of participating in multiple activities that may require numerous school absences due to competition or major travel.

The administration at City High School believes the best learning opportunity for a student is classroom interaction with teachers and other students. Only through consistent attendance and class participation do students achieve the full benefits of the educational program. When a student misses school, regardless of the reason, valuable experiences have been missed.

Good attendance:

  • helps students of all ages learn the value of attendance and punctuality.
  • helps students in the maturation process as they learn responsibility for their actions.
  • helps students learn to be good citizens by participating in the school community.
  • helps students develop positive social skills.
  • affects the student's behavior, attitude, learning, and overall school success.