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Parent Student Teacher Organization

The PSTO That Leads!

It is our intention to provide open communication with all parents, students, teachers and our greater City High PSTO community. Please back often as information is frequently updated. We welcome your participation, fresh ideas and support. The PSTO works to foster a sense of community among the City High community -- our families, teachers and staff. We meet five times during the school year and all are welcome (see meeting schedule for details). Some meetings include special speakers; communications about these events are sent in advance to inform parents.

There are many ways to become involved at City High, in support of our fantastic teachers, staff and students. Donations of time, talent and monies are put to good use at City High. Our PSTO provides meals to teachers on conferences evenings, provides help with organizing and recruiting volunteers for special school events, and raises funds to help pay for classroom needs not met by the school district budget. In recent years, the PSTO has helped pay for classroom books, headphones for use with Chromebooks, items for special education classes, art classes, journalism classes, and more.

The PSTO maintains an ongoing fund-raising effort for the expenses mentioned above. Donate today! No contribution is too small, and all contributions are much appreciated.