Meet our school nurse
Jodie Obermueller
EMail Jodie
The Health Office at City High is located next to the stairs in the main foyer. It is staffed by a full-time paraeducator with a school nurse on call. If a student becomes ill while at school they should report to the Health Office with a pass from their classroom teacher. The health office will call parents/guardians to determine what action to take. Students will then be given a pink excuse slip to be handed to the Attendance Office if the student is to be excused from school. Only a parent/ guardian or a person with parental permission may excuse the student. Any student who leaves campus without prior approval will receive an unexcused absence for each class missed.
Medications at school (ICCSD Administrative reg. 504.01)
All medication (prescription or over the counter) is given out in the Health Office. Parents are required to fill out needed paperwork and bring the medication directly into the Health Office at City High, for their student. If a medication is requested by their student on the phone, that medication needs to be delivered directly by the parent/ guardian into City High to the Health Office. It is against school policy for any student to be carrying around medication.